Delivery Options
Trailer Delivery
MiniBuilt provides efficient and safe trailer delivery with our wide load rigs and pilot cars. Our truck and trailer must have direct access to the site and be able to pull straight away from the structure as it slides off the trailer. The ground must be firm and dry to allow truck and trailer delivery. Our multi-function hydraulic trailer is often able to deliver into tight spaces that seem inaccessible. We determine site access with aerial maps, with customer supplied photos, or with site visits.

Mule Delivery
Sometimes your site is just too tight for a truck and trailer, or your shed needs to cross sensitive lawns and landscapes. In those cases, our remote controlled Mule shed forklift is the perfect solution. The Mule rides on our delivery truck to the site, where it lifts and drives the shed at one end with wheels placed under the opposite end.

Crane Delivery
When the site is inaccessible for trailer or Mule delivery, a crane may be your best option. Hiab cranes can lift small to medium sheds up to 60 feet over hedges, fences, and other structures. Large cranes can lift heavy sheds and garages up to 100 feet. (additional charges apply)

Onsite Assembly
When even a crane is not an option, we assemble on site. Gate access and working space in the yard determine the feasibility of an on site build. On site builds typically are more costly than crane delivery. (additional charges apply)